Thursday, April 16, 2009

A dream all along?

It struck on me just like, ironically, Thunder...

and the lightning branched out countless of 'Why' questions in my mind..

2 months plus.. seemingly short.. but it felt like an eternity and sweet 'period of time'...

Short period of time- how short is that gonna be? I can't even bear for just 1 sleepless night already...

Let time decide? Maybe I've appeared at the wrong time, or maybe i shouldn't have appeared at all...

Maybe things aren't as simple as I thought they could be...

Maybe I can never understand you...

Maybe I'm just foolish -- foolish to get myself so deep into this...

Maybe I just hate the word 'Maybe'.

There's so much so much that I want to say to you... yet I'm really clueless on where to begin on...

Sometimes, silence is golden. But it seems like silence don't work for me...

I thought I had rested long enough and recovered for the past 2years to begin a new chapter... yet, the dreaded feeling came right smack not once, but twice again on me...

Why? Maybe it's best those questions are left unanswered... ...Damn... not 'Maybe' again..

All along, I was just the odd-angle in the isosceles triangle...

'Maybe'... maybe it had just been dream all along...

"stupid, shorty, Jodi Picoult, thunder, history, C 调, departures...", going cc, 18, 59, studying together, that nerd pig, audition, bugis, movies, pasam malam, 板面, 牛油虾球, you, your hands, your hair scent, your tickles, your lips, your smile, everything else...

Memories are easy to form, almost impossible to forget... just like the saying: poured water is difficult to retrieve back.

I think i need a compass, or a street directory to guide me on this road... Wait... it should be a life-compass or a life-directory...

Still, I must thank you for the short yet sweet and unforgettable period of time... thank you for being a great partner... thank you for loving me... thank you for allowing me to show my love on and knowing it hasn't gone to waste... thank you for letting me realize important learning points that i should carry on with me for the rest of my life...

Best wishes and may you find your true happiness in life...

quOtE of ThE daY: Maybe, Jonny, it's time to get reorganized and move on with life. -jon

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