Friday, July 24, 2009

2nd gig performance.

Casper, QS n me had our 2nd gig performance at Suntec atrium.. Today's perf was better than the previous one at Centrepoint, having a better DJ and a better stage.. We even had some students from NYP who interviewed us as part of their project.. It's kinda funny being interviewed with a voice recorder, as if being interviewed by news reporter.. haha!

After performance, the 3 of us tgt with QS's soka fren went for lunch at Botak Jones cos got voucher from NDP preview.. haha super shiok! And after lunch since we were quite free and Casper can't go home yet, we went play L4D at bugis.. althought it's my 2nd time playing, it's way more cool this time round with the mic and earphones! We can like communicate n enhance teamwork... n talk cock of cos! haha.. hope i dun get addicted to it. :D


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