Friday, July 31, 2009

BMT Apache Section 1 outing.

This is rare! haha.. Had an dinner outing yesterday with army bmt section mates: buddy Zong yi, dekai and jason, at Marina Square.. All reached late except me.. -.- so i went shop for SP gift at City Link.. had a hard time deciding wad to buy though..

After near 1hr of walking arnd then they finally arrived.. Went Wang Jiao HK cafe to eat.. food was okok.. and the riduculous thing is when dk asked for plain water, the waitress actually said it's 20cents, and 40cents for cold one! (isn't it supposed to be foc for restaurants?) haha..

After finishing dinner and catching up with each other, we went to Esplanade rooftop to twang and do more catching up.. Parted arnd 11plus.. hope to have another outing soon, probably with more ppl next time!


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